This Anticipation Guide is designed to promote valuable discussion around the viral article, “Why Education Is About To Reach A Crisis Of Epic Proportions” by Mark C. Perna. Your team can use this guide as a comprehension strategy to activate their prior knowledge of the topic, make predictions about what they’ll read, and then discuss and find information within the piece to support that thinking.

The power of an anticipation guide is that, unlike a traditional discussion guide, your team will go through the following questions and exercises before reading the article. This will stimulate their interest in the topic, set a purpose for reading, and deepen their engagement with the concepts presented.

For those leading this discussion, here are the steps to make the most of this experience:

Step 1: Hand out the anticipation guide PDF.

Step 2: React to each statement by checking the ones that you believe.

Step 3: Discuss in small groups of three or four to share ideas.

Step 4: Read the article (included in the PDF) to find evidence that supports your thinking and cite the page and paragraph where it appears.

Step 5: Meet again with group to reach consensus on all statements as to whether they should be checked or not.

Step 6: Conduct whole-group discussion to achieve consensus among all.

Thank you for engaging with this important topic! It’s our hope that this piece helps provoke valuable discussion and awareness of the issues facing the education community.

Anticipation Guide created by Mark C. Perna and TFS Results in partnership with Todd Luke. The article “Why Education Is About To Reach A Crisis Of Epic Proportions” is included by permission of the author. © Mark C. Perna and TFS Results. All rights reserved.